Virtual Sunday School – April 12

Please Join Us for Sunday School 
8:30 a.m. Easter Sunday Morning, April 12
Via Conference Call – 339-209-4850 (No Code Needed)

Latest Advisory About Our Worship Services

Monday, March 16, 2020 – In light of the recent advisory from the President, please be advised that the Mt. Calvary Missionary Baptist Church is only open to essential staff (musician & pastor) who participate in the live stream service on Wednesday evening and Sunday morning. All other members and visitors are asked to enjoy the service from their respective residences. All Bible Study and Worship Services will be closed to the public. 
As we make every effort to navigage the challenges that the coronavirus (COVID-19) has created for our state and country, and throughout the world, I want to encourage us to keep praying and trusting God. 
With Grace and Peace,
Rev. Dr. Deonia Simmons

An Important Notice About Our Worship Services

Dear Mt. Calvary Members and Friends,
In an effort to reduce the likelihood of spreading the coronavirus, also known as COVID-19,all “live” services (Sunday School, Bible Study, Sunday Worship Service, Choir Rehearsals/Workshops and Prayer Service) at Mt. Calvary Missionary Baptist Church will be cancelled on the following dates:
  • Sunday, March 15,2020
  • Wednesday, March 18,2020
  • Sunday, March 22,2020
  • Sunday, March 29,2020
The Combined Worship Service scheduled for Wednesday, March 25, 2020 at the Historic First African Baptist Church (FAB) has been postponed. 
For all the aforementioned dates, I invite you to join me on our Facebook page for our weekly worship experience and Bible Study. I will be preaching at 10 a.m. on Sunday morning and 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday evening.
While our method for sharing the word of God will not be delivered face-to-face, rest assured that God’s word will still come forth.
After March 29, 2020, we will revisit our plan and determine what our services will entail beyond that date. 
As we all work through this challenging time, I want to encourage everyone to adhere to all of the health advisories that various organizations have communicated. I also want to encourage us to continue to pray and trust God. Remember, “Walk By Faith.”
Take care of yourselves! I love you!
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Deonia Simmons