Upcoming Events

7:30 PM Wednesday, March 11
FAB, 70 Beach City Road, Hilton Head Island
We’re invited to help usher in the Spring season at the Historic First African Baptist Church’s annual Spring Revival.  Rev. Robert Evans is the guest minister. Mt. Calvary’s Deacon Ministry is asked to lead Praise & Worship and the offering.  Bible Study will not be held on this date at Mt. Calvary. Instead Pastor Simmons would like everyone to join him at FAB.
11 AM – 2 PM Saturday, March 21
Our Youth Choir will have an amazing opportunity to train under guest musician, Dr. Rosemary Griffin. All youth choir members, advisors and musicians are required to attend.
7:30 PM Wednesday, March 25
Join us at the Historic First African Baptist (FAB) Church for our first Combined Community Service.  Rev. Dr. Alvin Petty will deliver the message. We will not host Bible Study at Mt. Calvary on this date. FAB is located at 70 Beach City Road, Hilton Head Island, SC. See you there!

Connect With Us

Mt. Calvary Missionary Baptist Church
Mt. Calvary Missionary Baptist Church thrives on  a tradition of serving others through praise and worship, teaching and training, and giving back. Once you come to Mt. Calvary as a guest, you leave as a friend. God continues to bless us as we grow and look to the future. We believe that with God, all things are possible. Whenever the doors of our church are open, you are welcome to join us.
Every Wednesday:
6:30pm l Prayer Service
7:30pm l Bible Study
Every Sunday:
8:30am l Sunday School
10 am   l Morning Worship
Rev. Dr. Deonia Simmons
382 Squire Pope Road
Hilton Head Island, SC 29926

Our Mission and Vision

Our Mission
The Mt. Calvary Missionary Baptist Church exists to bring glory and honor to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ by leading the lost to Christ and equipping them so that they too can lead others to Christ. (Matthew 28:19-20)
Our Vision
Our vision is to fully commit our time, our talents (opportunities to use our spiritual gifts for service), and our treasures (God’s tithe) to Evangelism, Discipleship, Ministry, Worship, and Fellowship (Acts 2:42-47): 
  • Evangelism– reaching the lost for Christ.
  • Discipleship – providing opportunities for persons to grow in Christ.
  • Ministry – addressing the needs of the congregation, community, county, and country.
  • Worship – corporate gathering to praise God.
  • Fellowship – spending quality time with one another.

Our Pastor

Reverend Dr. Deonia Simmons

Rev. Dr. Deonia Simmons – author, educator and gifted orator – is Senior Pastor of Mount Calvary Missionary Baptist Church on Hilton Head Island, South Carolina.

Dr. Simmons captivates audiences with his love for Jesus Christ and his charismatic style of delivering the Gospel.  He combines scriptures, humor and personal experiences in his fervent messages, which he hopes will inspire hearers of the word to follow the will of God. He also shares his own personal trials and triumphs in his new book, “The Winning Way: Gaining Victory Over Anxiety and Depression.” 

A native of South Carolina, Dr. Simmons earned a bachelor’s degree from Voorhees College. He also has a master’s degree in educational leadership and a doctorate in organizational leadership from Nova Southeastern University. He has served as a teacher, assistant principal, principal and superintendent.  

However, Dr. Simmons found his greatest joy in serving the Lord. He was called to share the word and lead others to Jesus Christ. Licensed to preach in 2007, Dr. Simmons is a visionary leader who has pastored churches in South Carolina.  

He is happily married to the beautiful Wanda Simmons and they are the proud parents of one daughter, Shakkirah Simmons. Dr. Simmons believes in having dreams and goals and fully trusts in God to realize them.